IELTS Intensive
  • IELTS Intensive

IELTS Intensive

A Short Course For IELTS Success. Book + Delta Augmented

Louis Rogers, Nick Thorner,

Preţ: 121 10 lei
Preţ vechi:   173 lei -30%
Disponibilitate: Disponibilă
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  • Publicată în 2022
  • paperback
  • Înalţime: 29,7 cm, lăţime: 21 cm, grosime: 0,9 cm, greutate: 490 g
  • Cod: 9783125015807
  • Disciplină: Limba engleză
  • Alte categorii:
        Clasificare > Editura > Klett Sprachen

IELTS Intensive is a short course offering 40 hours of classroom study, with an optional 20 hours of additional practice material for extended classroom use or homework. It is designed to strike a balance between test training and practice in all four skills areas.

IELTS Intensive is aimed at students who require an IELTS band score of 5.5 – 6.5, who are close to achieving this level of academic language proficiency, but who need to improve their IELTS performance.

Key points:

  • It is a genuinely short course which means teachers do not have to use content selectively.
  • The focus on evaluating models and analysing test prompts helps students engage confidently with test tasks.
  • Additional test practice material after every two units reviews task types presented in the preceding units in a format that closely reflects the test.
  • Access to material online with Delta Augmented. Full audio transcripts and an answer key with full sample answers are included in the back of the book.

Additional features include:

Get to know IELTS: An introductory quiz familiarises students with the IELTS test.

Target time and Target score: Because students often find it challenging to complete Reading questions in the time given, questions are accompanied by a target time to help students maintain an adequate speed.

You’re the examiner: Students use this feature to analyse tasks in depth and assess sample answers.

Boost your band score: Tips suggest how students can gain higher band scores.

Writing task bank: Includes an extensive section of additional Writing tasks for extra practice.

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