A Viral Disturbance
  • A Viral Disturbance

A Viral Disturbance

Reader + Delta Augmented

Ann Gianola, ,

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DELTA Readers: Me and my world
  • Publicată în 2022
  • paperback
  • Înalţime: 19,9 cm, lăţime: 12,8 cm, grosime: 0,7 cm, greutate: 156 g
  • Cod: 9783125011342
  • Disciplină: Limba engleză
  • Alte categorii:
        Clasificare > Editura > Klett Sprachen

Oscar has made it. When he arrived in the Unites States thirty years ago he spoke very little English and the only work he could get was washing dishes. He washed a lot of dishes and, over the years, worked his way up the ladder. Now he runs his own very popular Mexican restaurant, he is married, has two daughters, and owns a house. In short, he has achieved the American dream. Everything is perfect, until the pandemic breaks out. Oscar, his family, and everyone he knows has to work out how to survive physically, mentally and financially. In these extreme circumstances, will he lose everything he has fought so hard for? Is the American dream over?

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