Mark Hancock’s 50 Tips for Teaching Pronunciation

Mark Hancock’s 50 Tips for Teaching Pron...

Mark Hancock

70 RON 63 RON -10%

Role Plays for Today. Book with photocopiable activites

Role Plays for Today. Book with photocop...

Jason Anderson

218 RON 152 60 RON -30%

Exam Booster for A2 Key and A2 Key for Schools with Answer Key with Audio for the Revised 2020 Exams

Exam Booster for A2 Key and A2 Key for S...

Caroline Chapman, Susan W...

311 RON 108 85 RON -65%

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools with Answer Key with Audio for the Revised 2020 Exams

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 P...

Helen Chilton, Sheila Dig...

311 RON 108 85 RON -65%

Teaching English as a Lingua Franca, Teacher's Book

Teaching English as a Lingua Franca, Tea...

Marek Kiczkowiak, Robert...

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

IELTS Games and Activities: Speaking and Writing, Book with photocopiable activities

IELTS Games and Activities: Speaking and...

Aida Sahutoglu

173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

Alan Maley's 50 Creative Activities

Alan Maley's 50 Creative Activities

Alan Maley

70 RON 63 RON -10%

Being Creative

Being Creative

Chaz Pugliese

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

Culture in Our Classrooms

Culture in Our Classrooms

Gill Johnson, Mario Rinvo...

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

Teaching Unplugged

Teaching Unplugged

Luke Meddings, Scott Thor...

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

Storytelling With Our Students

Storytelling With Our Students

David Heathfield

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

Teaching Online

Teaching Online

Lindsay Clandfield, Nicky...

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

The Company Words Keep

The Company Words Keep

Paul Davis, Hanna Kryszew...

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

The Developing Teacher

The Developing Teacher

Foord Duncan

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

Digital Play

Digital Play

Kyle Mawer, Graham Stanle...

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

Spotlight on Learning Styles

Spotlight on Learning Styles

Marjorie Rosenberg

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

The Autonomy Approach

The Autonomy Approach

Brian Morrison, Diego Nav...

179 RON 125 30 RON -30%

IELTS Resource Pack, Book with audio CD

IELTS Resource Pack, Book with audio CD

Jon Marks

262 RON 183 40 RON -30%

Interaction Online

Interaction Online

Lindsay Clandfield, Jill...

243 RON 145 80 RON -40%

Business Plus Level 3, Teacher's Manual

Business Plus Level 3, Teacher's Manual

Margaret Helliwell

199 RON 99 50 RON -50%

Discussions and More

Discussions and More

Penny Ur

248 RON 148 80 RON -40%

Business Plus Level 1, Teacher's Manual

Business Plus Level 1, Teacher's Manual

Margaret Helliwell

199 RON 99 50 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Pre-intermediate to Intermediate, Teacher's Resource Book

Business Benchmark Pre-intermediate to I...

Norman Whitby, Patricia S...

194 RON 97 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate, BULATS and Business Vantage, Teacher's Resource Book

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate, B...

Guy Brook-Hart, David Cla...

194 RON 97 RON -50%

Discussions A-Z Intermediate, Book and Audio CD

Discussions A-Z Intermediate, Book and A...

Adrian Wallwork

406 RON 243 60 RON -40%

Discussions A-Z Advanced, Book and Audio CD

Discussions A-Z Advanced, Book and Audio...

Adrian Wallwork

406 RON 243 60 RON -40%

Communicative Activities for EAP with CD-ROM

Communicative Activities for EAP with CD...

Jenni Guse

258 RON 141 90 RON -45%

Intercultural Language Activities with CD-ROM

Intercultural Language Activities with C...

John Corbett

258 RON 154 80 RON -40%

Collocations Extra Book with CD-ROM

Collocations Extra Book with CD-ROM

Elizabeth Walter, Kate Wo...

377 RON 207 35 RON -45%

Film, TV, and Music

Film, TV, and Music

Olha Madylus

399 RON 199 50 RON -50%

ESOL Activities Entry 1

ESOL Activities Entry 1

Louis Harrison

302 RON 181 20 RON -40%

ESOL Activities Entry 2

ESOL Activities Entry 2

Elaine Boyd

352 RON 211 20 RON -40%

ESOL Activities Entry 3

ESOL Activities Entry 3

Jo Smith

352 RON 211 20 RON -40%

Common Mistakes at Proficiency...and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes at Proficiency...and How...

Julie Moore

88 RON 57 20 RON -35%

Five-Minute Activities for Business English

Five-Minute Activities for Business Engl...

Paul Emmerson, Nick Hamil...

232 RON 139 20 RON -40%

Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language

Extensive Reading Activities for Teachin...

Julian Bamford, Richard R...

215 RON 139 75 RON -35%

Speaking Extra, Book and Audio CD Pack

Speaking Extra, Book and Audio CD Pack

Mick Gammidge

421 RON 252 60 RON -40%

Five-Minute Activities

Five-Minute Activities

Penny Ur, Andrew Wright

232 RON 139 20 RON -40%

Scott Thornbury's 101 Grammar Questions, Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers

Scott Thornbury's 101 Grammar Questions,...

Scott Thornbury

70 RON 63 RON -10%

Using Collocations for Natural English With Audio CD

Using Collocations for Natural English W...

Înlocuit cu 9783125016293

121 RON

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