IELTS Resource Pack, Book with audio CD
Photocopiable games, activities and practice tests for IELTS preparation classes
Jon Marks
- Publicată în 2017
- paperback, 144 pagini
- Înalţime: 297 cm, lăţime: 223 cm, grosime: 1,5 cm, greutate: 456 g
- Cod: 9783125015784
- Editura: Delta Publishing
- Clasificare: Categorii limbi straine
- Categorii limbi straine: Examene, Resurse pentru profesori
- Clasificare: Nivel de limbă
- Nivel de limbă: B1, B2, C1
- Nivel învățământ: Adulti, Liceu
- Clasificare generala: Examene limbi straine
- Examene limbi straine: IELTS General
- Disciplină: Limba engleză
- Alte categorii:
Clasificare > Editura
The IELTS Resource Pack provides teachers with valuable resource material to invigorate their IELTS preparation courses and ensure the success of their students.
Preparatory courses for the IELTS exam can become a busy cycle of exam practice and intensive language analysis. Communication games and activities may be available, but as the exam draws closer, it may seem inappropriate to spend time on anything that is not directly relevant to the exam.
The games and activities in this book are intended to help with this dilemma. They are fun, motivating, and in many cases kinaesthetic (ie, students use their bodies as well as their minds), but they all relate directly to the exam.
IELTS Resource Pack functions:
- A bank with copyable exam practice material
- 25 lively communication activities especially for students preparing for the IELTS exam
- Highly motivated couple work, small group and overall activities
- The language and skills students need to succeed in the Academic Writing, Academic Reading, Speaking and Listening modules
- Free audio CD with auditory material for the exam
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