Nelson Mandela
  • Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Reader with audio and digital extras

Leonidas Sapkidis

Preţ: 36 40 lei
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Disponibilitate: Disponibilă
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In 1950s South Africa, the complex history of the country has boiled down to a confrontation of White against Black. Freedom of speech is limited. Large gatherings are prohibited. Apartheid is in place. The vote is not universal. Equality, justice and democracy - for all - need to be fought for. Leaders, including Nelson Mandela, emerge and the Freedom Charter is formulated. Lives are lost and key players are imprisoned in the name of opposing oppression and defending freedom.
Yet, in 1994, Mandela becomes President of South Africa, and shortly afterwards a unifying constitution is introduced. How did such a bleak situation result in such a unifying outcome?

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