Supporting EAL Learners
  • Supporting EAL Learners

Supporting EAL Learners

Strategies for inclusion

Peter Clements, Adrienn Szlapak

Preţ: 128 80 lei
Preţ vechi:   184 lei -30%
Disponibilitate: Disponibilă
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DELTA Natural English

Supporting EAL learners is a comprehensive guide to language teaching for upper-primary and secondary teachers with learners in their class who speak a home language other than English. English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners face the dual task of learning both English and subject content through English. To include these learners, this double load needs to be factored into the teaching and learning process. Packed with useful tips and techniques for every stage of the EAL learning journey, teachers in all kinds of contexts will benefit from this book.
Part A starts with theory, defining EAL, describing different types of EAL provision, and summarising key concepts in EAL related to inclusive pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition.
Part B has seven chapters of techniques to support EAL learners, covering effective instructions, introducing and developing vocabulary, developing speaking and writing skills, working with texts, and inclusive approaches. Each chapter covers a range of specific challenges in the classroom and is divided into three sections:

  • The challenge: An example of a specific challenge that teachers and learners may encounter in the classroom.
  • Suggested techniques: A range of techniques, strategies, approaches, or activities to help teachers and learners overcome that challenge.
  • Over to you: A development or reflection task to encourage teachers to engage with each technique.

Part C provides ideas to support EAL learners and their families beyond the classroom, helping them to become active members of the wider school community.

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