IELTS General

Build up to IELTS - Score band 6.5-8.0,...
128 RON 89 60 RON -30%

IELTS Games and Activities - Grammar at...
160 RON 112 RON -30%

Heads up B2, Student’s Book with audios
165 RON 115 50 RON -30%

Dive in! Me and my world, Student's Book...
59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

Dive in! Out and about, Student's Book p...
59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

Dive in! Home and away, Student's Book p...
59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

Dive in! Let's get together, Student's B...
59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

IELTS Games and Activities: Speaking and...
163 RON 114 10 RON -30%

IELTS Advantage Reading Skills
141 RON 98 70 RON -30%

IELTS Advantage Speaking and Listening S...
141 RON 98 70 RON -30%

IELTS Advantage Writing Skills
141 RON 98 70 RON -30%

IELTS Resource Pack, Book with audio CD
247 RON 172 90 RON -30%