IELTS General

IELTS 16 Academic Student's Book with An...
199 RON 109 45 RON -45%

IELTS 16 General Training Student's Book...
199 RON 109 45 RON -45%

IELTS 15 General Training Student's Book...
199 RON 109 45 RON -45%

IELTS Trainer 2, Six Practice Tests
212 RON 106 RON -50%

Dive in! Me and my world, Student's Book...
59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

Dive in! Out and about, Student's Book p...
59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

Dive in! Home and away, Student's Book p...
59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

Dive in! Let's get together, Student's B...
59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

IELTS Advantage Reading Skills
141 RON 98 70 RON -30%

IELTS Advantage Speaking and Listening S...
141 RON 98 70 RON -30%

IELTS Advantage Writing Skills
141 RON 98 70 RON -30%

IELTS Resource Pack, Book with audio CD
247 RON 172 90 RON -30%

Cambridge IELTS 12, General Training Stu...
177 RON 106 20 RON -40%

Cambridge IELTS 11 General Training, Stu...
177 RON 106 20 RON -40%

The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS, S...
279 RON 153 45 RON -45%

Official IELTS Practice Materials 2 with...
105 RON 73 50 RON -30%

New Insight into IELTS, Student's Book P...
271 RON 189 70 RON -30%

New Insight into IELTS, Workbook Pack
162 RON 97 20 RON -40%

Objective IELTS Advanced, Self Study Stu...
226 RON 90 40 RON -60%

Objective IELTS Intermediate, Self Study...
226 RON 90 40 RON -60%

Objective IELTS Intermediate, Workbook w...
92 RON 36 80 RON -60%

Mindset for IELTS Level 3, Student's Boo...
276 RON

Mindset for IELTS Level 3, Teacher's Boo...
145 RON

Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Student's...
282 RON

Mindset for IELTS Foundation, Teacher's...
148 RON 63 64 RON -57%

Mindset for IELTS Level 1, Student's Boo...
282 RON

Mindset for IELTS Level 1, Teacher's Boo...
148 RON 63 64 RON -57%

Mindset for IELTS Level 2, Student's Boo...
282 RON

Mindset for IELTS Level 2, Teacher's Boo...
148 RON 63 64 RON -57%

Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced Paperb...
160 RON

Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced Paperb...
162 RON

IELTS Life Skills A1, Student's Book wit...
71 RON

IELTS Life Skills B1, Student's Book wit...
84 RON

Cambridge IELTS 10, Student's Book with...
177 RON

IELTS 9, Self-study Pack (Student's Book...
231 RON

Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced with Answe...
131 RON

Cambridge IELTS 8, Self-study Pack (Stud...
231 RON

IELTS Trainer, Six Practice Tests with A...
217 RON

Top Tips for IELTS General, Training Pap...
88 RON

Official IELTS Practice Materials 1 with...
98 RON