Examene limbi straine

Practise and Pass C1 Advanced, Student's...
131 RON 91 70 RON -30%

IELTS 16 Academic Student's Book with An...
208 RON 114 40 RON -45%

IELTS 16 General Training Student's Book...
208 RON 114 40 RON -45%

Open World Advanced Self-Study Pack with...
235 RON 129 25 RON -45%

IELTS 15 General Training Student's Book...
208 RON 114 40 RON -45%

Build up to IELTS, Book + online materia...
134 RON 93 80 RON -30%

IELTS Trainer 2, Six Practice Tests
221 RON 110 50 RON -50%

Exam Booster for Advanced without Answer...
125 RON 56 25 RON -55%

IELTS Games and Activities: Speaking and...
173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

IELTS Resource Pack, Book with audio CD
262 RON 183 40 RON -30%

Cambridge IELTS 12, General Training Stu...
185 RON 111 RON -40%

Exam Booster for Advanced with Answer Ke...
311 RON 108 85 RON -65%

Cambridge IELTS 11 General Training, Stu...
185 RON 111 RON -40%

Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced, Boo...
173 RON 129 75 RON -25%

Complete IELTS Bands 6.5-7.5, Student's...
435 RON 130 50 RON -70%

Complete IELTS Bands 6.5-7.5, Student's...
274 RON 109 60 RON -60%

Official IELTS Practice Materials 2 with...
110 RON 77 RON -30%

Business Benchmark Advanced, Teacher's R...
152 RON 76 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Advanced, Audio CD BU...
316 RON 94 80 RON -70%

Objective IELTS Advanced, Self Study Stu...
235 RON 94 RON -60%

C1 Advanced 4 Student's Book with Answer...
235 RON 94 RON -60%

C1 Advanced Trainer 2, Six Practice Test...
230 RON

C1 Advanced Trainer 2 Six Practice Tests...
230 RON

First Trainer 2, Six Practice Tests with...
230 RON

Mindset for IELTS Level 3, Student's Boo...
276 RON

Mindset for IELTS Level 3, Teacher's Boo...
145 RON

Mindset for IELTS Level 1, Student's Boo...
282 RON

Mindset for IELTS Level 1, Teacher's Boo...
148 RON 63 64 RON -57%

Mindset for IELTS Level 2, Student's Boo...
282 RON

Common Mistakes at CAE ... and How to Av...
162 RON

Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced Paperb...
160 RON

Cambridge IELTS 10, Student's Book with...
177 RON

Compact Advanced, Student's Book Pack (S...
244 RON

Compact Advanced, Student's Book with An...
182 RON

Compact Advanced, Student's Book without...
182 RON

Compact Advanced, Workbook with Answers...
88 RON

Compact Advanced, Workbook without Answe...
88 RON

Compact Advanced, Class Audio CDs (2)
308 RON

Objective Advanced, Workbook with Answer...
132 RON 30 36 RON -77%

Objective Advanced, Workbook without Ans...
144 RON 33 12 RON -77%