Instant Academic Skills with Audio CD
377 RON 226 20 RON -40%

Film, TV, and Music
399 RON 199 50 RON -50%

Cambridge English for Nursing Intermedia...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Real Listening and Speaking 3 with Answe...
243 RON 157 95 RON -35%

Professional English in Use Medicine
208 RON 124 80 RON -40%

English in Medicine, A Course in Communi...
220 RON 154 RON -30%

English in Medicine, Audio CD
183 RON 128 10 RON -30%

Listening Extra, Book and Audio CD Pack
434 RON 260 40 RON -40%

Unlock Level 4, Listening and Speaking S...
246 RON

Unlock Level 4, Listening and Speaking S...
239 RON

Good Practice, Teacher's Book - Communic...
224 RON 112 RON -50%

Good Practice, Student's Book - Communic...
232 RON 116 RON -50%

Good Practice, 2 Audio CD Set - Communic...
346 RON 103 80 RON -70%
Good Practice, DVD - Communication Skill...
302 RON