Business Vocabulary in Use: Advanced, Bo...
196 RON 117 60 RON -40%

Business Vocabulary in Use: Advanced, Bo...
163 RON 97 80 RON -40%

Business Vocabulary in Use: Intermediate...
196 RON 117 60 RON -40%

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate, B...
194 RON 97 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate, B...
373 RON 186 50 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate BU...
362 RON 181 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate, P...
117 RON 58 50 RON -50%

Business Advantage Upper-intermediate, S...
263 RON 131 50 RON -50%

Business Advantage Upper-intermediate, P...
139 RON 69 50 RON -50%

Professional English in Use Management w...
208 RON 124 80 RON -40%

Grammar for Business with Audio CD
219 RON 164 25 RON -25%

Professional English in Use Finance
208 RON 124 80 RON -40%

Five-Minute Activities for Business Engl...
232 RON 139 20 RON -40%

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate BU...
251 RON 125 50 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Upper Intermediate, S...
182 RON

Communicating Across Cultures, DVD
188 RON

International Negotiations, Student's Bo...
141 RON

Business 5 Vantage, Self-study Pack (Stu...
242 RON 128 26 RON -47%

Business Advantage Upper-intermediate, T...
246 RON 123 RON -50%

Business Advantage Upper-intermediate, A...
346 RON 173 RON -50%

Communicating Across Cultures, Student's...
172 RON

English for Business Studies, Student's...
221 RON 99 45 RON -55%

English for Business Studies, Audio CDs...
346 RON 69 20 RON -80%

English for Business Studies, Teacher's...
221 RON 77 35 RON -65%

English for the Financial Sector, Teache...
240 RON 120 RON -50%

English for the Financial Sector, Studen...
221 RON 110 50 RON -50%

English for the Financial Sector, Audio...
124 RON

Communicating in Business, Student's Boo...
166 RON

Communicating in Business, Teacher's Boo...
187 RON

Communicating in Business, Audio CD Set...
268 RON

English for Business Communication, Teac...
136 RON

English for Business Communication, Audi...
241 RON

English for Business Communication, Stud...
165 RON