English Pronunciation in Use: Intermedia...
159 RON 111 30 RON -30%

Business Benchmark Pre-intermediate to I...
362 RON 181 RON -50%

Discussions A-Z Advanced, Book and Audio...
406 RON 243 60 RON -40%

Exploring British Culture with Audio CD
406 RON 243 60 RON -40%

Cambridge English for Human Resources, S...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Dynamic Presentations, Student's Book wi...
192 RON 115 20 RON -40%

Cambridge English for Marketing, Student...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Cambridge English for Nursing Pre-interm...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Intercultural Language Activities with C...
258 RON 154 80 RON -40%

Safe Sailing CD-ROM
639 RON 383 40 RON -40%

Cambridge English for the Media, Student...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Cambridge English for Engineering, Stude...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Cambridge English for Nursing Intermedia...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Real Reading 2 with answers
159 RON 111 30 RON -30%

Real Reading 3 with answers
159 RON 111 30 RON -30%

Real Listening and Speaking 3 with Answe...
243 RON 157 95 RON -35%

Essential BULATS with Audio CD and CD-RO...
197 RON 88 65 RON -55%

English in Medicine, Audio CD
183 RON 128 10 RON -30%

Speaking Extra, Book and Audio CD Pack
421 RON 252 60 RON -40%

Business Benchmark Pre-intermediate to I...
237 RON

Cambridge Learner's Dictionary with CD-R...
185 RON

Be Understood!, Book with CD-ROM and Aud...
302 RON

International Negotiations, Student's Bo...
141 RON

Complete IELTS Bands 4-5, Class Audio CD...
237 RON

Business Advantage Intermediate, Audio C...
346 RON 173 RON -50%

Cambridge English for Scientists, Studen...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

English at Work with Audio CD
252 RON

English Unlimited Intermediate, Class Au...
332 RON

English Unlimited Pre-intermediate, Clas...
332 RON

Introduction to International Legal Engl...
176 RON

English for the Financial Sector, Audio...
124 RON

Infotech, Audio CD
145 RON

Cambridge Grammar for PET, Book with Ans...
137 RON

English for Business Communication, Audi...
241 RON

Be My Guest, Audio CD Set (2 CDs)
346 RON 103 80 RON -70%