Caught in the Fire

Caught in the Fire

Mike Gould

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Emmeline Pankhurst

Emmeline Pankhurst

Angela Hill

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

The American River

The American River

David Morrison

59 RON 41 30 RON -30%

The Missing Melbourne Coins

The Missing Melbourne Coins

Saffron Dodd

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Waste Not, Want Not

Waste Not, Want Not

Jeremy Taylor

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

In conversation B1, Student’s Book with audios

In conversation B1, Student’s Book with...

170 RON 119 RON -30%

Dinosaurs Not Included

Dinosaurs Not Included

Ann Gianola

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Galahad's Gone!

Galahad's Gone!

Paul Davenport

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Part of the Tribe

Part of the Tribe

Mike Gould

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Teaching Teens: Speaking Activities, Teacher's Resource Book with digital extras

Teaching Teens: Speaking Activities, Tea...

173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

The Stolen Pharaoh

The Stolen Pharaoh

Ann Gianola

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Witch Ears

Witch Ears

Michael Pryor

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Running Riot, Reader + Delta Augmented

Running Riot, Reader + Delta Augmented

Ann Gianola

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Speaking Games, Photocopiable activities to make language learning fun. Book with photocopiable activites

Speaking Games, Photocopiable activities...

Jason Anderson, ,

167 RON 116 90 RON -30%

Teamwork, Interactive tasks to get students talking, Book with photocopiable activites

Teamwork, Interactive tasks to get stude...

Jason Anderson

216 RON 151 20 RON -30%

Textploitation, Mining texts for all they are worth, Book with photocopiable and online activities

Textploitation, Mining texts for all the...

David Byrne, Mark Heffern...

173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

Trinity CertTESOL Companion, Teacher’s Guide

Trinity CertTESOL Companion, Teacher’s G...

Jason Anderson

201 RON 140 70 RON -30%

Using Phrasal Verbs for Natural English, Student’s Book plus audios via Delta-Augmented

Using Phrasal Verbs for Natural English,...

Elizabeth Walter, Kate Wo...

173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

Activities for Mediation, Book with photocopiable activities

Activities for Mediation, Book with phot...

Riccardo Chiappini, Ethan...

173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

Run for Your Life

Run for Your Life

Paul Davenport

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Arthur Young and the Corgi Mystery (A2-B1)

Arthur Young and the Corgi Mystery (A2-B...

Don Haupt

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

The Magic Mirror (A2-B1)

The Magic Mirror (A2-B1)

Josh Lacey

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

Carol Read’s 101 Tips for Teaching Primary Children

Carol Read’s 101 Tips for Teaching Prima...

Carol Read

70 RON 63 RON -10%

Mark Hancock’s 50 Tips for Teaching Pronunciation

Mark Hancock’s 50 Tips for Teaching Pron...

Mark Hancock

70 RON 63 RON -10%

Limba engleza. Caietul elevului L1 intensiv. Clasa a VIII-a

Limba engleza. Caietul elevului L1 inten...

Vicki Anderson with Eoin...

39 RON

B1 Preliminary 2, Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

B1 Preliminary 2, Student's Book with An...

234 RON 88 92 RON -62%

face2face Pre-intermediate Workbook with Key

face2face Pre-intermediate Workbook with...

Nicholas Tims , With Chri...

157 RON 47 10 RON -70%

Role Plays for Today. Book with photocopiable activites

Role Plays for Today. Book with photocop...

Jason Anderson

218 RON 152 60 RON -30%

Own it! Level 4, Workbook

Own it! Level 4, Workbook

Eoin Higgins, Philip Wood

118 RON 41 30 RON -65%

Own it! Level 4, Student's Book with Practice Extra

Own it! Level 4, Student's Book with Pra...

Samantha Lewis, Daniel Vi...

242 RON 67 76 RON -72%

Own it! Level 3, Student's Book with Practice Extra

Own it! Level 3, Student's Book with Pra...

Samantha Lewis, Daniel Vi...

242 RON 67 76 RON -72%

Own it! Level 3, Workbook

Own it! Level 3, Workbook

Annie Cornford, Andrew Re...

118 RON 41 30 RON -65%

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools with Answer Key with Audio for the Revised 2020 Exams

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 P...

Helen Chilton, Sheila Dig...

311 RON 108 85 RON -65%

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools without Answer Key with Audio for the Revised 2020 Exams

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 P...

Helen Chilton, Sheila Dig...

125 RON 75 RON -40%

Man In The Red Coat

Man In The Red Coat

Julian Barnes

129 RON 96 75 RON -25%

Notre Dame

Notre Dame

Ken Follett

67 RON 50 25 RON -25%



Carol Ann Duffy

67 RON 50 25 RON -25%

Blues, Twos and Baby Shoes : The Further, Further Adventures of Mavis Upton

Blues, Twos and Baby Shoes : The Further...

Gina Kirkham

61 RON 45 75 RON -25%

The Elite : The Story of Special Forces - From Ancient Sparta to the War on Terror

The Elite : The Story of Special Forces...

Ranulph Fiennes

129 RON 96 75 RON -25%

Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost

John Sandford

61 RON 45 75 RON -25%

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