Ediţii internaţionale

Trinity CertTESOL Companion, Teacher’s G...
201 RON 140 70 RON -30%

IELTS 16 Academic Student's Book with An...
208 RON 114 40 RON -45%

IELTS 16 General Training Student's Book...
208 RON 114 40 RON -45%

IELTS 15 General Training Student's Book...
208 RON 114 40 RON -45%

Own it! Level 1, Workbook
118 RON 41 30 RON -65%

Primary Path Level 2, Activity Book with...
172 RON 48 16 RON -72%

Primary Path Level 2, Flashcards
235 RON 94 RON -60%

Primary Path Level 2, Grammar and Writin...
127 RON 44 45 RON -65%

Primary Path Level 2, Student's Book wit...
209 RON 58 52 RON -72%

Primary Path Level 2, Teacher's Edition
321 RON 93 09 RON -71%

English Phrasal Verbs in Use: Advanced,...
163 RON 114 10 RON -30%

English Idioms in Use: Advanced, Book wi...
163 RON 114 10 RON -30%

English Collocations in Use: Advanced, B...
163 RON 97 80 RON -40%

English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced Book...
163 RON 114 10 RON -30%

English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced Book...
170 RON 119 RON -30%

Cambridge IELTS 11 Academic, Student's B...
185 RON 111 RON -40%

Academic Vocabulary in Use, Edition with...
196 RON 117 60 RON -40%

Advanced Trainer, Six Practice Tests wit...
221 RON 132 60 RON -40%

Advanced Grammar in Use with Answers
150 RON 97 50 RON -35%

Objective Proficiency, Workbook with Ans...
144 RON 50 40 RON -65%

Objective Proficiency, Teacher's Book
235 RON 82 25 RON -65%

Objective Proficiency, Class Audio CDs (...
382 RON 95 50 RON -75%

Proficiency 1, Self-study Pack (Student'...
256 RON 179 20 RON -30%

Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary
304 RON 197 60 RON -35%

Active Grammar Level 3 with Answers and...
159 RON 103 35 RON -35%

Communicative Activities for EAP with CD...
258 RON 141 90 RON -45%

Dynamic Presentations, Student's Book wi...
192 RON 115 20 RON -40%

Official IELTS Practice Materials 2 with...
110 RON 77 RON -30%

Cambridge English for Job-hunting, Stude...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Common Mistakes at Proficiency...and How...
88 RON 57 20 RON -35%

A Love for Life, Level 6
58 RON 29 RON -50%

Trumpet Voluntary Level 6
58 RON 29 RON -50%

Role Plays for Today, Book with photocop...
157 RON

Mindset for IELTS Level 2, Student's Boo...
282 RON

Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic, Student's B...
177 RON

Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced Paperb...
160 RON

Advanced Grammar in Use Book with Answer...
144 RON

Proficiency 2, Student's Book with Answe...
280 RON 196 RON -30%

IELTS 9, Self-study Pack (Student's Book...
231 RON

Objective Proficiency, Student's Book Pa...
417 RON 145 95 RON -65%