Ediţii internaţionale

Carol Read’s 101 Tips for Teaching Primary Children

Carol Read’s 101 Tips for Teaching Prima...

Carol Read

70 RON 63 RON -10%

Deutsch³, Handbuch für die Lehrkraft

Deutsch³, Handbuch für die Lehrkraft

Petra Beste, Tatjana Bitt...

134 RON 93 80 RON -30%

Mark Hancock’s 50 Tips for Teaching Pronunciation

Mark Hancock’s 50 Tips for Teaching Pron...

Mark Hancock

70 RON 63 RON -10%

So leicht ist DaZ!, Mein Wortschatzblock

So leicht ist DaZ!, Mein Wortschatzblock

Denise Doukas-Handschuh

48 RON 33 60 RON -30%

66 Sprachspiele für die Schule, Grammatik und Wortschatz

66 Sprachspiele für die Schule, Grammati...

Susanne Daum, Michael Dre...

156 RON 109 20 RON -30%

Alphamar, Methodenhandbuch

Alphamar, Methodenhandbuch

Dr. Ruth Albert, Anne Hey...

145 RON 101 50 RON -30%

Role Plays for Today. Book with photocopiable activites

Role Plays for Today. Book with photocop...

Jason Anderson

218 RON 152 60 RON -30%

So leicht ist DaZ! Übungsblock mit digitalen Extras, Niveau mittel

So leicht ist DaZ! Übungsblock mit digit...

Denise Doukas-Handschuh

48 RON 33 60 RON -30%

El Ano De La Muerte De Ricardo Reis

El Ano De La Muerte De Ricardo Reis

Jose Saramago

70 RON 52 50 RON -25%

Borges Esencial Edicion Conmemorativa De La Rae

Borges Esencial Edicion Conmemorativa De...

Jorge Luis Borges

96 RON 72 RON -25%



Jose Saramago

70 RON 52 50 RON -25%

Los Colores

Los Colores

40 RON 30 RON -25%

Harry Potter III - El Prisionero De Azkaban

Harry Potter III - El Prisionero De Azka...

J.K. Rowling

88 RON 66 RON -25%

Harry Potter IV - El Caliz De Fuego

Harry Potter IV - El Caliz De Fuego

J.K. Rowling

88 RON 66 RON -25%

Harry Potter V - La Orden Del Fenix

Harry Potter V - La Orden Del Fenix

J.K. Rowling

88 RON 66 RON -25%

Harry Potter VI - El Misterio Del Principe

Harry Potter VI - El Misterio Del Princi...

J.K. Rowling

88 RON 66 RON -25%

Historia Universal De La Infamia

Historia Universal De La Infamia

Jorge Luis Borges

70 RON 52 50 RON -25%

Libro De Suenos

Libro De Suenos

Jorge Luis Borges

83 RON 62 25 RON -25%

Memorial Del Convento

Memorial Del Convento

Jose Saramago

70 RON 52 50 RON -25%

Quien Vive En El Oceano?

Quien Vive En El Oceano?

48 RON 36 RON -25%

El Sur Seguido De Bene

El Sur Seguido De Bene

Adelaida Garcia Morales

96 RON 72 RON -25%

Ya Soy Mayor /6 Planse/

Ya Soy Mayor /6 Planse/

40 RON 30 RON -25%

Der letzte Wunsch

Der letzte Wunsch

Andrzej Sapkowski

119 RON 89 25 RON -25%

Man In The Red Coat

Man In The Red Coat

Julian Barnes

129 RON 96 75 RON -25%

Notre Dame

Notre Dame

Ken Follett

67 RON 50 25 RON -25%



Carol Ann Duffy

67 RON 50 25 RON -25%

Blues, Twos and Baby Shoes : The Further, Further Adventures of Mavis Upton

Blues, Twos and Baby Shoes : The Further...

Gina Kirkham

61 RON 45 75 RON -25%

The Elite : The Story of Special Forces - From Ancient Sparta to the War on Terror

The Elite : The Story of Special Forces...

Ranulph Fiennes

129 RON 96 75 RON -25%

Izzy Gizmo and the Invention Convention

Izzy Gizmo and the Invention Convention

Pip Jones

49 RON 36 75 RON -25%



Nic Stone

55 RON 41 25 RON -25%



Maya Hakim Abdo-Hanna

39 RON 29 25 RON -25%

Le chimpanzé

Le chimpanzé

Anne-Claire Aubron

39 RON 29 25 RON -25%

Le lion

Le lion

Maya Hakim Abdo-Hanna

39 RON 29 25 RON -25%

Ali Baba

Ali Baba

Antoine Galland

65 RON 48 75 RON -25%



Antoine Galland

65 RON 48 75 RON -25%



Antoine Galland

65 RON 48 75 RON -25%

Accidental Agent

Accidental Agent

Alan Judd

61 RON 45 75 RON -25%

Grand Union

Grand Union

Zadie Smith

129 RON 96 75 RON -25%

Simon's Cat: It's a Dog's Life

Simon's Cat: It's a Dog's Life

Simon Tofield

67 RON 50 25 RON -25%

Lethal Agent : 18

Lethal Agent : 18

Vince Flynn

129 RON 96 75 RON -25%

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