Ediţii internaţionale

Activities for Mediation, Book with photocopiable activities

Activities for Mediation, Book with phot...

Riccardo Chiappini, Ethan...

173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

Run for Your Life

Run for Your Life

Paul Davenport

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

44 Spiele mit Texten für Partner-, Gruppen- und Plenumsarbeit

44 Spiele mit Texten für Partner-, Grupp...

Susanne Daum

156 RON 109 20 RON -30%

44 Sprachrätsel-Spiele Für Einzel-, Partner- und Gruppenarbeit

44 Sprachrätsel-Spiele Für Einzel-, Part...

Michael Dreke

156 RON 109 20 RON -30%

La Vénus d’Ille + CD audio

La Vénus d’Ille + CD audio

Prosper Mérimée, Aline Ma...

48 RON 36 RON -25%

Power Up Level 6, Class Audio CDs (5)

Power Up Level 6, Class Audio CDs (5)

Colin Sage, Caroline Nixo...

342 RON 136 80 RON -60%

Activities for Cooperative Learning, Book with photocopiable materials

Activities for Cooperative Learning, Boo...

Jason Anderson

173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

Power Up Level 6, Teacher's Resource Book with Online Audio

Power Up Level 6, Teacher's Resource Boo...

Diana Anyakwo, Caroline N...

270 RON 94 50 RON -65%

Power Up Level 6, Activity Book with Online Resources and Home Booklet

Power Up Level 6, Activity Book with Onl...

Melanie Starren, Caroline...

157 RON 54 95 RON -65%

Power Up Level 6, Posters (9)

Power Up Level 6, Posters (9)

Caroline Nixon, Michael T...

311 RON 108 85 RON -65%

Power Up Level 6, Pupil's Book

Power Up Level 6, Pupil's Book

Colin Sage, Caroline Nixo...

183 RON 54 90 RON -70%

Power Up Level 6, Teacher's Book

Power Up Level 6, Teacher's Book

Stephanie Dimond-Bayir, C...

270 RON 94 50 RON -65%

Activities for Task-Based Learning

Activities for Task-Based Learning

Neil Anderson, Neil McCut...

173 RON 121 10 RON -30%

44 Aussprachespiele, Buch + 2 Audio-CDs + Online-Angebot

44 Aussprachespiele, Buch + 2 Audio-CDs...

Ursula Hirschfeld, Kersti...

156 RON 109 20 RON -30%

Spielend Deutsch lernen

Spielend Deutsch lernen

Michael Dreke, Juana Sánc...

112 RON 78 40 RON -30%

Einfach Grammatik, Übungsgrammatik A1-B1

Einfach Grammatik, Übungsgrammatik A1-B1

Paul Rusch, Helen Schmitz

123 RON 86 10 RON -30%

22 Brettspiele Deutsch als Fremdsprache

22 Brettspiele Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Eveline Schwarz, Kerstin...

112 RON 78 40 RON -30%

Five-Minute Activities for Young Learners

Five-Minute Activities for Young Learner...

Penny McKay, Jenni Guse

232 RON 150 80 RON -35%

Using Humour in the English Classroom

Using Humour in the English Classroom

Geoff Tranter

151 RON 105 70 RON -30%

Role Plays for Today, Book with photocopiable activites

Role Plays for Today, Book with photocop...

Jason Anderson

157 RON

Speaking Games, Book with photocopiable activites

Speaking Games, Book with photocopiable...

Jason Anderson

103 RON

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