Ediţii internaţionale
Netzwerk neu B1, Testheft mit Audios
119 RON 83 30 RON -30%
Mit Erfolg zum Zertifikat Deutsch B1 (te...
109 RON 76 30 RON -30%
Compact Preliminary for Schools, Student...
219 RON 109 50 RON -50%
Compact Key for Schools, Student's Book...
219 RON 109 50 RON -50%
Open World Preliminary, Self Study Pack...
225 RON 101 25 RON -55%
Open World Key, Workbook with Answers wi...
119 RON 41 65 RON -65%
Open World Key, Self Study Pack (SB w An...
225 RON 101 25 RON -55%
Complete Preliminary, Student's Book Pac...
288 RON 172 80 RON -40%
Power Up Level 5, Activity Book with Onl...
150 RON 52 50 RON -65%
Complete Key for Schools, Workbook witho...
138 RON 48 30 RON -65%
B2-Finale neu, Übungsbuch und Audio-CD
114 RON 79 80 RON -30%
Open World Preliminary, Workbook with An...
119 RON 41 65 RON -65%
PONS Sprachlerncomic Deutsch als Fremdsp...
72 RON