Ediţii internaţionale
Les clés du DELF B2 Nouvelle édition – G...
81 RON 56 70 RON -30%
Kompass DaF B2, Unterrichtshandreichung
98 RON 68 60 RON -30%
Al dente 4, Guida per l’insegnante
117 RON 81 90 RON -30%
So geht's zu B2, Lehrerhandbuch passend...
103 RON 72 10 RON -30%
Défi 4, Livre du professeur
147 RON 102 90 RON -30%
Real Business English B2, Teacher's Book
111 RON 77 70 RON -30%
Linie 1 B1+/B2, Lehrerhandbuch mit 4 Aud...
173 RON 121 10 RON -30%
Delta Academic Objectives - Reading Skil...
119 RON 83 30 RON -30%
Delta Academic Objectives - Listening an...
119 RON 83 30 RON -30%
Skills Work B1-C1, Teacher's Book
106 RON 74 20 RON -30%
DaF im Unternehmen B1-B2, Lehrerhandbuch
184 RON 128 80 RON -30%
DaF im Unternehmen B2, Lehrerhandbuch
98 RON 68 60 RON -30%
Wissenschaftlich arbeiten und schreiben,...
65 RON 45 50 RON -30%
Mittelpunkt neu B2, Lehrerhandbuch
111 RON 77 70 RON -30%
Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5, Teacher's Bo...
188 RON 112 80 RON -40%
Entre nous 4, Guide pédagogique B2
157 RON 109 90 RON -30%
Mindset for IELTS Level 3, Teacher's Boo...
145 RON
Delta Academic Objectives - Writing Skil...
117 RON
Mindset for IELTS Level 1, Teacher's Boo...
148 RON 63 64 RON -57%
Mindset for IELTS Level 2, Teacher's Boo...
148 RON 63 64 RON -57%
Unlock Level 4, Reading and Writing Skil...
246 RON
Unlock Level 4, Listening and Speaking S...
246 RON
Business Advantage Upper-intermediate, T...
236 RON 118 RON -50%
Flightpath, Teacher's Book
345 RON 207 RON -40%
International Legal English, Teacher's B...
187 RON
English Unlimited Upper Intermediate, Te...
281 RON
English Unlimited Intermediate, Teacher'...
276 RON
English for Business Studies, Teacher's...
212 RON 74 20 RON -65%
Introduction to International Legal Engl...
140 RON
English for the Financial Sector, Teache...
230 RON 115 RON -50%
Good Practice, Teacher's Book - Communic...
215 RON 107 50 RON -50%
Infotech, Teacher's Book
126 RON
Objective IELTS Intermediate, Teacher's...
167 RON
Communicating in Business, Teacher's Boo...
187 RON
English for Business Communication, Teac...
136 RON
Les clés du nouveau DELF B2, Guide pédag...
55 RON