Ediţii internaţionale
Open World Advanced Student's Book Pack...
225 RON 123 75 RON -45%
Activities for Mediation, Book with phot...
160 RON 112 RON -30%
Practise and Pass C1 Advanced, Student's...
122 RON 85 40 RON -30%
Open World Advanced Student's Book with...
166 RON 66 40 RON -60%
Open World Advanced Workbook with Answer...
119 RON 41 65 RON -65%
Open World Advanced Workbook without Ans...
119 RON 41 65 RON -65%
Open World Advanced Student's Book witho...
166 RON 66 40 RON -60%
Open World Advanced Self-Study Pack with...
225 RON 123 75 RON -45%
Discussions and More
238 RON 142 80 RON -40%
Discussions A-Z Advanced, Book and Audio...
390 RON 234 RON -40%
Get on Stage!, Teacher's Book with DVD a...
354 RON 212 40 RON -40%
Collocations Extra Book with CD-ROM
361 RON 198 55 RON -45%
Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Dictionary
179 RON 98 45 RON -45%
Using Humour in the English Classroom
141 RON 98 70 RON -30%
Drama Techniques, A Resource Book of Com...
223 RON 133 80 RON -40%
Extensive Reading Activities for Teachin...
207 RON 134 55 RON -35%
Games for Grammar Practice
344 RON 206 40 RON -40%
Keep Talking
223 RON 133 80 RON -40%
Grammar Games
232 RON 150 80 RON -35%
Teamwork, Book with photocopiable activi...
157 RON
Role Plays for Today, Book with photocop...
157 RON
Using Phrasal Verbs for Natural English,...
146 RON
Speaking Games, Book with photocopiable...
103 RON
Grammar Practice Activities, Paperback w...
248 RON 148 80 RON -40%
Games for Vocabulary Practice, Interacti...
344 RON 223 60 RON -35%
Lessons from Nothing
150 RON