
Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 P...
311 RON 108 85 RON -65%

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 P...
125 RON 75 RON -40%

IELTS Trainer 2, Six Practice Tests
221 RON 110 50 RON -50%

Business Vocabulary in Use: Intermediate...
196 RON 117 60 RON -40%

English Phrasal Verbs in Use: Intermedia...
163 RON 114 10 RON -30%

English Collocations in Use: Intermediat...
163 RON 97 80 RON -40%

English Idioms in Use :Intermediate, Boo...
163 RON 114 10 RON -30%

English Pronunciation in Use: Intermedia...
159 RON 111 30 RON -30%

Interaction Online
243 RON 145 80 RON -40%

Business Plus Level 3, Teacher's Manual
199 RON 99 50 RON -50%

Essential Grammar in Use with Answers, 4...
176 RON 123 20 RON -30%

Essential Grammar in Use with Answers an...
176 RON 123 20 RON -30%

Discussions and More
248 RON 148 80 RON -40%

Business Plus Level 2, Teacher's Manual
199 RON 99 50 RON -50%

Business Plus Level 1, Teacher's Manual
199 RON 99 50 RON -50%

English for Academics 1, Book with Onlin...
240 RON 144 RON -40%

Business Plus Level 2, Student's Book
295 RON 147 50 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Pre-intermediate to I...
117 RON 58 50 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Pre-intermediate to I...
194 RON 97 RON -50%

Business Benchmark Pre-intermediate to I...
362 RON 181 RON -50%

Discussions A-Z Intermediate, Book and A...
406 RON 243 60 RON -40%

Discussions A-Z Advanced, Book and Audio...
406 RON 243 60 RON -40%

Exploring British Culture with Audio CD
406 RON 243 60 RON -40%

Complete IELTS Bands 4-5, Student's Book...
274 RON 109 60 RON -60%

Complete IELTS Bands 4-5, Student's Pack...
435 RON 130 50 RON -70%

English Grammar in Use 5th ed. Book with...
176 RON 114 40 RON -35%

English Grammar in Use 5th ed, Book with...
189 RON 113 40 RON -40%

Complete IELTS Bands 4-5, Workbook with...
157 RON 94 20 RON -40%

Complete IELTS Bands 4-5, Teacher's Book
196 RON 117 60 RON -40%

Business Advantage Intermediate, Student...
263 RON 131 50 RON -50%

Business Advantage Intermediate, Persona...
139 RON 69 50 RON -50%

Vocabulary Activities with CD-ROM
250 RON 150 RON -40%

Professional English in Use Management w...
208 RON 124 80 RON -40%

Cambridge English for Human Resources, S...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Dynamic Presentations, Student's Book wi...
192 RON 115 20 RON -40%

Cambridge Grammar and Vocabulary for the...
208 RON 124 80 RON -40%

Cambridge English for Marketing, Student...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Cambridge English for Nursing Pre-interm...
180 RON 99 RON -45%

Intercultural Language Activities with C...
258 RON 154 80 RON -40%

Collocations Extra Book with CD-ROM
377 RON 207 35 RON -45%