Examene limbi straine

Les clés du DELF B1 Édition actualisée hybride – Livre de l’élève

Les clés du DELF B1 Édition actualisée h...

Ana Gainza , Yves Loiseau

157 RON 109 90 RON -30%

Les clés du DELF B1 Édition actualisée – Livre de l’élève

Les clés du DELF B1 Édition actualisée –...

Ana Gainza , Yves Loiseau

135 RON 94 50 RON -30%

Les Clés du nouveau DELF B1 – Édition actualisée Guide pédagogique

Les Clés du nouveau DELF B1 – Édition ac...

Ana Gainza , Yves Loiseau

81 RON 56 70 RON -30%

Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat C1, Übungsbuch + online (passend zur neuen Prüfung 2024)

Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat C1, Übu...

Gabi Baier, Nicole Schäfe...

119 RON 83 30 RON -30%

Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat C1, Testbuch + online (passend zur neuen Prüfung 2024)

Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat C1, Tes...

Uta Loumiotis

119 RON 83 30 RON -30%

KOMPAKT Mit Erfolg zu telc Deutsch B1-B2 Beruf

KOMPAKT Mit Erfolg zu telc Deutsch B1-B2...

Sandra Hohmann

74 RON 51 80 RON -30%

Mit Erfolg zum Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B1, Testbuch + online

Mit Erfolg zum Deutsch-Test für den Beru...

Sandra Hohmann , Anna Poh...

119 RON 83 30 RON -30%

So geht’s zu B1 - Lesen, Übungsbuch

So geht’s zu B1 - Lesen, Übungsbuch


114 RON 79 80 RON -30%

C1 Advanced 4 Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank Authentic Practice Tests

C1 Advanced 4 Student's Book with Answer...


225 RON 90 RON -60%

Practise and Pass C1 Advanced, Student's Book + Delta Augmented + Online Activities

Practise and Pass C1 Advanced, Student's...

Megan Roderick

122 RON 85 40 RON -30%

IELTS 16 Academic Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 16 Academic Student's Book with An...

Cambridge ESOL

199 RON 109 45 RON -45%

IELTS 16 General Training Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

IELTS 16 General Training Student's Book...

Cambridge ESOL

199 RON 109 45 RON -45%

Open World Advanced Self-Study Pack with Answers

Open World Advanced Self-Study Pack with...

Anthony Cosgrove, Claire...

225 RON 123 75 RON -45%

Mit Erfolg zur DSH - Testbuch passend zur neuen MPO 2019

Mit Erfolg zur DSH - Testbuch passend zu...

119 RON 83 30 RON -30%

Mit Erfolg zur DSH - Übungsbuch passend zur neuen MPO 2019

Mit Erfolg zur DSH - Übungsbuch passend...

119 RON 83 30 RON -30%

Mit Erfolg zum Zertifikat Deutsch B1 (telc Deutsch B1) Übungsbuch mit Audio-CD

Mit Erfolg zum Zertifikat Deutsch B1 (te...

Stefanie Dengler, Tanja M...

109 RON 76 30 RON -30%

IELTS 15 General Training Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank Authentic Practice Tests

IELTS 15 General Training Student's Book...

Cambridge ESOL

199 RON 109 45 RON -45%

B1 Preliminary 2, Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

B1 Preliminary 2, Student's Book with An...

225 RON 85 50 RON -62%

Mit Erfolg zum Zertifikat Deutsch (telc Deutsch B1), Testbuch mit mp3-CD

Mit Erfolg zum Zertifikat Deutsch (telc...

Hubert Eichheim, Melanie...

109 RON 76 30 RON -30%

Die Deutschprofis B1, Testheft mit Audios online

Die Deutschprofis B1, Testheft mit Audio...

Ágnes Einhorn

52 RON 36 40 RON -30%

KOMPAKT Mit Erfolg zu telc Deutsch B1-B2 Pflege

KOMPAKT Mit Erfolg zu telc Deutsch B1-B2...

74 RON 51 80 RON -30%

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools with Answer Key with Audio for the Revised 2020 Exams

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 P...

Helen Chilton, Sheila Dig...

299 RON 104 65 RON -65%

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools without Answer Key with Audio for the Revised 2020 Exams

Exam Booster for B1 Preliminary and B1 P...

Helen Chilton, Sheila Dig...

120 RON 72 RON -40%

Build up to IELTS, Book + online material + Delta Augmented

Build up to IELTS, Book + online materia...

Lewis Richards

125 RON 87 50 RON -30%

Compact Preliminary for Schools, Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice and Workbook without Answers with Audio Download

Compact Preliminary for Schools, Student...

Sue Elliott, Amanda Thoma...

219 RON 109 50 RON -50%

Compact Preliminary for Schools, Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice

Compact Preliminary for Schools, Student...

Sue Elliott, Amanda Thoma...

194 RON 67 90 RON -65%

IELTS Trainer 2, Six Practice Tests

IELTS Trainer 2, Six Practice Tests

Louise Hashemi, Barbara T...

212 RON 106 RON -50%

Open World Preliminary, Teacher's Book with Downloadable Resource Pack

Open World Preliminary, Teacher's Book w...

Lisa Darrond

166 RON 74 70 RON -55%

Open World Preliminary, Self Study Pack (SB w Answers w Online Practice and WB w Answers w Audio Download and Class Audio)

Open World Preliminary, Self Study Pack...

Niamh Humphreys, Susan Ki...

225 RON 101 25 RON -55%

Complete Preliminary, Student's Book with Answers with Online Practice For the Revised Exam from 2020

Complete Preliminary, Student's Book wit...

Peter May, Emma Heyderman

212 RON 74 20 RON -65%

Complete Preliminary, Workbook with Answers with audio download

Complete Preliminary, Workbook with Answ...

Caroline Cooke

123 RON 49 20 RON -60%

Open World Preliminary, Student’s Book with Answers with Online Practice

Open World Preliminary, Student’s Book w...

Niamh Humphreys, Susan Ki...

166 RON 66 40 RON -60%

B1 Preliminary 1, Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

B1 Preliminary 1, Student's Book with An...

225 RON 85 50 RON -62%

B1 Preliminary for Schools 1, Student's Book with Answers with Audio with Resource Bank

B1 Preliminary for Schools 1, Student's...

225 RON 85 50 RON -62%

Exam Booster for Advanced without Answer Key with Audio

Exam Booster for Advanced without Answer...

Carole Allsop, Mark Littl...

120 RON 54 RON -55%

IELTS Games and Activities: Speaking and Writing, Book with photocopiable activities

IELTS Games and Activities: Speaking and...

Aida Sahutoglu

163 RON 114 10 RON -30%

Complete Preliminary for Schools, Student's Book without Answers with Online Practice

Complete Preliminary for Schools, Studen...

Emma Heyderman, Peter May

212 RON 74 20 RON -65%

Complete Preliminary for Schools, Teacher's Book with Downloadable Resource Pack (Class Audio and Teacher's Photocopiable Worksheets)

Complete Preliminary for Schools, Teache...

Rod Fricker, Emma Heyderm...

188 RON 94 RON -50%

Complete Preliminary for Schools, Workbook without Answers with Audio Download

Complete Preliminary for Schools, Workbo...

Caroline Cooke

123 RON 73 80 RON -40%

Compact Preliminary for Schools, Workbook without Answers with Audio Download

Compact Preliminary for Schools, Workboo...

Laura Clyde

94 RON 47 RON -50%

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